Reloadable decorator

Update. wt library has been moved to archive, no plans to develop it further.

wt has a feature I'd like to share here. It was one of the first features of wt I think.


Suppose I have an idea for some post, just like this one.

I've opened terminal, started wt in development mode using wt develop command and started vim for authoring.

I'm typing for some time...

Ok, now I'd like to check it in browser and I'm adding some metadata for this post to configuration - wt.yaml file.

After this step I'm expecting refreshed page in the browser to contain updated data from configuration.


Internally wt has a so called engine to handle incoming requests. It depends on wt.yaml configuration and reads it on initialization.

It is quite possible for the engine to contain logic to reload configuration when needed but I thought this task shouldn't be implemented there.

It would be better to have the possibility to easily turn this feature off when needed (not while authoring but while developing the library) or even just throw away.

So, here comes reloadable decorator:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os

class reloadable(object):

    def __init__(self, message):
        self._message = message
        self._values = {}
        self._lastmods = {}
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('wt.reloadable')

    def __call__(self, fn):

        def inner(filename):
            v = self._values.get(filename)
            m = self._lastmods.get(filename)
                modified = os.stat(filename).st_mtime
            except FileNotFoundError:
                    'File not found "%s", skipping stat', filename)
                if m is None or modified > m:
                        'File "%s" modified, %s', filename, self._message)
                    self._lastmods[filename] = modified
                    v = None

            if v is None:
                self._values[filename] = v = fn(filename)
            return v
        return inner

It keeps last modified times for files and caches results of function calls. In case file was modified cached value will be automatically updated. Pretty simple yet very useful.

Real life usage example looks like this:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .decorators import reloadable
from .engine import WT

@reloadable('(re)loading configuration...')
def engine(fn):
    return WT(fn)

Currently wt uses aiohttp as http backend.

It's only configured handler calls engine function to get rendering engine instance (you can check server module sources for details).

In case configuration file was updated this call will create new fresh instance of engine ready to render pages and posts. This instance will be cached within reloadable decorator cache so any subsequent calls to engine function will just have the very same instance in return (till configuration was updated again).

That's it for reloadable decorator. Stay tuned.

Last modified: 2017-04-12 16:12:00 +00:00 UTC